Copyright 2020 Marianna Girlando, Marianela Morales. This file is part of MOILab. MOILab is free software: you can redistribute it and or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. MOILab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MOILab. If not, see . ---------------------------------------- MOILab theorem prover MOdal and Intuitionistic Labelled sequents ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- MOILab is a Prolog prototype theorem prover for intuitionistic modal logic IK, implementing a labelled sequent calculus for the logic. The user selects the formula to be tested, and MOILab implements a backwards proof search yielding a derivation or a bi-relational countermodel. The axioms of IK can be found at the end of this file, along with some bibliographic references. Syntax ------ Atomic formulas are Prolog atoms a, b, c,..., and the two Prolog constants false, true. Non-atomic formulas are generated by the following connectives: ~A | A ^ A | A v A | A -> A | !A | ?A respectively standing for negation, conjunction, disjunction, box and diamond. The usual conventions for parentheses apply. Setup and usage --------------- MOILab runs on SWI Prolog. To use the prover on your machine, first make sure you have SWI Prolog installed ( In order to compile the .tex output into a .pdf file, a Latex editor needs to be installed. The .tex output files are compiled using Virginia Lake LaTex Macros by Alessio Guglielmi: The .sty file is accessible here: or downloadable with the command: wget The virginialake.sty file needs to be placed in the same directory as the .tex files. To start SWI Prolog, navigate to the MOILab directory and type: $ swipl Then load the MOIN file, with: ?- [moi_lab]. Now MOILab can be queried with goals. Proof search for a formula F is triggered by the predicate: ?- derive(F). Output files ------------ In case of success of the proof search procedure, MOILab prints out a derivation, accessible in the output file: derivationLab.tex In case of proof search failure, MOILab prints out a countermodel, accessible in the output file: countermodelLab.tex To generate a readable .pdf file out of the .tex output files for derivations and countermodels, compile with pdflatex the file: result_IKlab.tex Example ------- To test derivability of axiom k1, query MOILab with the goal: ?- derive(!(a->b)-> ((!a)->(!b)) ). To get a .pdf file showing the derivation, compile the file result_IKlab.tex. Axioms of IK ------------ Axioms for IK: axioms for intuitionistic modal logic, plus necessitation rule, plus k1 (!(a->b)) -> ((!a)->(!b)) k2 (!(a->b)) -> ((?a)->(?b)) k3 (?(a v b)) -> ((?a)v(?b)) k4 ((?a)-> (!b)) -> (!(a->b)) k5 (?false)->false Bibliography ------------ The labelled sequent calculus for intuitionistic modal logics implemented by MOILab are introduced in: Marin, S., Morales, M., Straßburger, L.: A fully labelled proof system for intuitionistic modal logics. 2019. hal-02390454 available at: MOILab is modelled on MOIN, a theorem prover, whose system description is available here: Girlando, M., Straßburger, L.: MOIN: A Nested Sequent Theorem Prover for Intuitionistic Modal Logics (System Description). Accepted for publication at IJCAR 2020. MOIN webpage is here: